Our Story

Est. January 2020

Delta Risk Management is a new name, but we’re not new to this industry. 

After 25 years of experience in Ag Lending and Crop Insurance, Jack Dalton had a clear vision for providing lock-tight coverage with an exceptional level of service. He knew he needed partners who had the dedication and expertise to really learn each grower’s operation, and a commitment to a personalized and relatable customer experience.

Having worked in the industry with Morgan and Mitch for 9 years, and Sarah 3 years, he knew he finally had the right team to realize that vision. Every member of our team has a background in farming or agriculture, in addition to their unique skills and experience as agents. As such, we collectively have the knowledge, experience and expertise to create customized insurance plans that are not only right for today, but in your best interest over the long-term.

We want to protect your assets, make the process easy, and help you sleep at night. It’s that simple.

With over 55 years combined experience, and clients spanning 6 states and counting, we are ready and able to create the risk-management plan that is right for you.

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Our Team


Jack Dalton – Owner, Crop Insurance Agent

Jack has 25+ years of experience in ag lending and crop insurance. He graduated from ASU with an Agricultural Business degree in 1995, and went on to graduate from Banking School at Louisiana State University in 2006. He is married to Pam. They are parents to Abi and Ashley, and grandparents to Camden.



Morgan Mayer – Owner, Crop Insurance Agent

Morgan has 9 years of experience in ag lending and 7 years of experience in crop insurance. She graduated from ASU with an Agricultural Business degree in 2011. She is married to Daniel, and has three dogs, Ace, Miller and Toulouse.



Sarah Hearnes – Crop Insurance Agent

Sarah has 5 years of experience in crop insurance and graduated from the University of Arkansas with an Agricultural Business degree in 2016. She is married to Landon, and has two dogs, Buzz and Rip.



Mitchell Reid – Crop Insurance Agent

Mitch has 25+ years of experience in crop insurance. He graduated from ASU with an Agricultural Business degree in 1977. He is married to Paula. They are parents to Claire, Matthew and Andrew, and grandparents to Ava, Madalyn, Seth, Mitchell, Reid, Rowan and Russell.
